Sunday, July 29, 2012

Who are you living for?

In all honesty, I'm not sure I've felt this way about the death of a celebrity since Sept 13, 1996 (look it up:) Did I know the man personally? Nope! Was I ever in his presence physically? Nope! Did he even care who I was? Probably not. But as a TRUE FAN of the Late Great Sherman Hemsley aka George Jefferson, I come to you guys in deep thought today!!

Now don't misunderstand this. This is not some soak filled rant about the tragedy of celebrity death. I am a firm believer that "death is a part of life."  I even had my 1st heart to to heart with my own child about the topic when he was only 5 or 6 years old. But this is about the lasting impression that celebs leave with us and why? In the wake of Whitney Houston's untimely demise, and the death Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez's 10 year anniversary, I had to take a moment an reflect on how many "icons" we have actually lost over the past decade. Wait, let's make it two decades so I can include Tupac Shakur. I apologize in advance if I omit someone that touched your heart below, but don't miss the point:

The King of Pop: Michael Jackson
The Voice: Whitney Houston
The Epitome of Class: Princess Diana
Pope John Paul II: Enough Said
Mr. Nascar: Dale Earnhardt
The GodFather of GoGo: Chuck Brown
The Man of Many Shows: Dick Clark
The King of Cool: Don Cornelius
The Blender of R&B/Hip Hop: Heavy D
A King of Comedy: Bernie Mac
Mr. Sweepstakes: Ed McMahon
The 1st African American Childhood Star: Gary Coleman
The Ageless One: Lena Horne
The Wonder Woman: Farrah Fawcett
U.S. Royalty: Ted Kennedy
The World Changer: Steve Jobs
Beyonce Before Beyonce: Aaliyah
Superman: Christopher Reeves
The Queen of Branding: Elizabeth Taylor
The Game Show Master: Merv Griffin
The Animal Lover: Steve Irwin
The End of 60 Min: Andy Rooney
The Legend: Ray Charles
The King of Soul: James Brown
Mr. Producer: Aaron Spelling
Mr. Yankee: George Steinbrenner

Honorable mention to Vesta "Congratulations" Williams...Mike "Beastie Boy" D...Heath "The Best Joker Ever" Ledger....Every "Golden Girl" (except Betty White)...but whether we want to admit it or not, the aforementioned people touched the lives of MILLIONS during their "physical existence" on the planet.

So why is my heart heavy for a sitcom actor who does not even know I exist? No let me rephrase, why in the HELL am I still thinking about "George Jefferson?"

I'll tell you why: He/they represent reminders to you of certain stages in your life. Some represent what's "impossible" to you. Others represent boldness to you! Some represent change to you, while others represent the pain that runs through you. Notice I speak in present tense and choose not to say "represented" because their existence still resonates IN you.

However, there's a flipside!  In spite of aallllllllll the emotion, the life or death of an icon may conjure up, one thing is undeniable....even as you read the list (at least ONCE) you said to yourself, "Oh yeah, he/she did pass away a few years ago didn't they?" What does this really say about the people we idolize and adore? What does this really say about those who had video cameras shoved in their faces for over 60% of their lives? What does it really mean when you've had more pictures of you taken than a 1980 Kodak booth, yet even those who ADORED you will one day say....."Oh yeah, they did pass away didn't they?" I'll tell you what it means. One the surface, we are ALL "forgettable." But on a deeper level it means, for that reason, stop living for other people anyway. These people transcended pop culture and penetrated the souls of those millions and even BILLIONS, yet they still slip away into a distant memory over time.

My 1st Mentor to Millions Volume ("Our Philosophy") I talk about the harsh reality that after your funeral only 10% of the people will spend the extra hour driving to your burial (Request your free copy today!) Sherman Hemsley's death (to me) is a reminder of that. See, we cringe at the thought of Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Bono, or Michael Jordan leaving us before we are ready. But guess what...if it happened today, 6 months from now I'd need a "reminder" about "George Jefferson." This is proof that so many of us need to stop living our lives for so called associates who don't even know you, don't even like you, and truly don't care as much as you think about you. It's hard to believe that Steve Jobs LITERALLY changed the WORLD yet in maybe 10 years (depending on what this era's future genius may conjure up) we may find ourselves saying: "Oh yeah....remember that guy from Apple."

I think it's time for you to start living FOR people who live FOR you. Make no mistake about it, that list is short. Not even the title "family member" pre-qualifies one for such a description. But for the most part: our son's, our daughter's, our parents and our siblings and maybe 2 or 3 "BFFs" will claim a VIP seat at your burial; while others take a look at the forecast and make the "final decision" of whether they are coming or not! -Beane


  1. PROFOUND!! Too often and so subtly are we distracted by what other people say, do, and think. Do YOU...even if it means walking alone. G

  2. Chk the forecast...can I get a double shot of truth no chaser please!
    Shout out to the man that helped America deal w/the visual of black business for you/ it
    Marcus Coleman

    1. See that's what I'm talking about MC. Took that to another level huh? Help America deal with black business man! #deep

  3. Let the truth be told because often the world is overly concerned about what others have to say about them! It's easier for most to follow the crowd, & live for others for acceptance, but true worth comes from within "If you can't go withing, learn to go without". We're blessed to have aMentortoMillions, & thanks for ANOTHER PROFOUND MESSAGE B.B-S.D.I

  4. As I began to read this, I thought about the example you used regarding the funeral. Having heard that a while ago and seeing the reality of LIFE in it, I also started taking notice at a few that I have attended since... SO VERY TRUE.. Although all of these individuals played some part in our lives, be it we were "GLAD TO SEE" them on tv, or we loved them as entertainers; what we can take from it all is they "lived their dreams", let's not stop living ours, and most of all, live it for YOURSELF, regardless of others.

  5. As I strolled down my FB page, and seen Mr. Beane post. I tab into his MTM, and I'm so glad I did. I forgot how dynamic, inspirational, knowledge this Brother is. God puts people in our life for a reason, meeting this brother last year in a MLM company was a true blessing for me. Reading this article, brings to reality how people impact our lives. Whether Mr. Beane remembers me or not, the nuggets of life he gives can be past on. I say that to say "Thanks for you words", keep doing what God has bless you with, which is helping people like myself identify my own true greatness.

    Looking forward to seeing you present soon.
    Thank you.

    Martize. G
    Personal Trainer( Chicago).

    1. Of course I remember you MG!!:) Are u kidding me? I'm still waiting on "Mrs.G" to BURST outta that shell and I know by now shes starting to crack it. If not, tell her Im coming back to CHI to put her thru another PERSONAL workshop lol. Hope all is well man and keep the city IN SHAPE!:) We need more brothas out here like ya! BB

  6. Great stuff, Mr. Beane.

    After such a powerful training this weekend, I find myself watching videos & reading your blog to find out what else have I missed.
    No matter what medium you communicate through, you leave us hungry for more.
    Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing to others.

    Aundrea Barnett,
    The Next In Line Club

  7. I'm adding you to the list of my Virtual Mentors. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  8. Brian,
    I just heard you speak for a few minutes on a conference call. I was intrigued by your brief, but powerful, message. I began to explore your website and I am even more motivated and inspired. I'll be looking for more of everything from and by you.

    Kirk Thomas
    New Jersey

  9. Mr. Beane! Mr. Beane!

    Well stated! ; )

  10. Brian, don't you become what you spoke of.
