Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Why Can't Every 4 Years Be Everyday?"

If you are a follower of mine on Facebook ( or Twitter (@amentortomills) then you know I was a HUGE fan of the Olympic Games. Not only because of the spirit of the competition themselves, but because of the displays of humanity that often go unnoticed within the course of the 14 days. Sept 12th forces many of us to take a different version of the "morning after pill," and face the harsh realities of the day prior.  While yesterday it was important to 'reflect,' I think today it is important to 'remind.'

I want to remind everyone that just last month I watched "the black guy" from Great Britian"  claim the Gold and shed tears of disbelief as he embraced "the white guy" from the United States." All of this after they practiced together for 4 years knowing that only one would cross the finish line in victory.

Just last month, I watched a world class Australian swimming coach overcome the disdain of his entire country as he trained a Chinese swimmer to compete in a sport dominated for centuries by Australians.

Am I implying that the only take away from last month's Olympic Games were about race and culture? No.

It transcends gender: I watched a South African female dominate her event by such a large margin that for the past four years, she battled rumors that she may have been a male. Yet, she battled them all the way across the finish line into the record books. AGAIN!

It transcends age: I watched a 15 year old from the United States, compete with the world's best swimmers, and stand on the same podium with those born decades prior to her.

It transcends nationalities: I watched NBA players like Paul Gasol of the Los Angeles Lakers who proudly wore his Jersey from Spain as he competed against his own US teammate (Kobe Bryant) for the Olympic Gold. True, the US makes him millions, but Spain makes "HIM." PERIOD!

The games exemplified sacrifice: I watched Gabby's mother experience the payoff of sending her daughter from "the hood in VA" to Iowa before she was even a teenager. Sacrifice + Olympics = Wheaties x $90Million!! :)

The games were about triumph and humility: I watched "greatness witness greatness" as Kobe Bryant, held his daughter in one hand, and used his Iphone to film Michael Phelps swim his way into the history books with his other hand.

Am I implying that we should ignore the prejudice and racism minorities still face in America? No. Am I implying that we should forget about the destruction caused by "yesterday's" coward act of violence? HELL NO. I am simply reminding you that the feeling you had during the Olympic Games in August 2012 should run parallel with the emotions of anger, fear and regret you may have felt just 30 days later in September.

While it is difficult to ignore the politics that forbid countries from setting aside our differences for more than 5 rings and 2 weeks, it doesn't hurt to relish just for a moment in the impossible.  What we focus on expands. So let's make sure we focus on what makes the human existence so great, while we continue to struggle to blend our 'greatness."

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